GameChangers goes on tour: Part 2 @COVCampus

Our 2 day stint at CU Scarborough campus was brilliant and it was great that we get to bring back the GameChangers bus to Coventry. It did raise a few eyebrows but it was brilliant to see students engaging with our activities in the bus despite the horrible wet day!

GameChangers is essentially an initiative to promote and embed game design thinking through remixing playful approaches and techniques in the teaching and learning of the Coventry University Group. Situated under the Game Science research and development we are leading at the university, GameChangers is a practice-based instrument for us to explore, apply and implement play, games, serious games and gamification as a set of digital and non-digital tools that can be used to help us design engaging learning experiences.

Our next stop is CU London campus. As part of our investigation of learning “geographies” and spaces, we are looking to experiment pop-up creative spaces in London and see how such initiatives could turn ordinary spaces into a more interactive and playful learning environment. This initiative will also link to the spin off Newton funded CreativeCulture, where we are going to create creative spaces for the GameChangers programme at UNIMAS (our Malaysian Partner).

The GameChangers open course will be soft-launched in May, where we will showcase the work of our colleagues who are implementing playful and gameful approaches in their teaching. So watch this space!


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